Thursday, July 11, 2013

Needs and Wants

The differences between needs and wants are sometimes difficult to see their difference.

Human needs are often understood as whatever is necessary to enable a human to continue to live. Examples of need are food, water, clothes, and shelter. Food is the most important to humans. If you do not eat, you will be unable to survive for a long time. Humans are always expending more energy into their work. So, they need to eat it.

Human must eat more vegetable and fruit to complement their fiber. They also can eat meat, fish, and nuts to get protein and vitamin. Water can help our body to excrete the waste. We need drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

If humans needs create time for human life, human wants arise and can only be satisfied during idle time. Human wants consist of things which are desired for themselves – luxuries good, toys, games, art, music, grand furniture, and countless others. If human need is singular, human wants are plural.

What is commonly called "wealth" consists in human wants. "Rich" men are commonly held to be those who possess large mansions, with stables and gardens, yachts and fast cars and airplanes, fine art, expensive furniture, tailored clothes, jewellers, and so on or if not these things, then the money that can buy them.

By, Kee Chin Nee


Unknown said...

oo all wants are not needs, but all needs are wants;)

Unknown said...

Everyone would prefer having wants. Haha

Unknown said...

sometimes i think wants are indispensable in our life? izit true?

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